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Desk with Laptop

Your Smart Desk Companion

Timeline: July-Aug 2022

Project: Team

Responsibilities: Research, Ideation, User Research, 3D Modeling, Gif animation, Rendering


Collaborating with Lionsbot, a cleaning robot company, they hope to hypothetically enter the home consumer robotics space with a revolutionary new desktop cleaning companion robot.

We are tasked to research, design, and present a concept with the real-world problem given. The product as a whole consists of two parts: 1) A self-propelled, autonomous cleaning robot that is also able to engage the user with interactive companionship. 2) A mobile application that provides the user with a means of control, scheduling, and customization of the robot.


The effect of the pandemic caused a widespread issue of self-isolation, a large part due to working from home (WFH) being the new normal. This presents several challenges to individuals, including blurred work-life boundaries, decreased productivity, isolation from social connections, and increased distractions. These issues encompass losing track of time, overworking, feeling disconnected, and struggling to maintain focus amid personal distractions.


Focus on encouraging work-life balance, connecting with friends, and minimizing distractions.


Equipped with deep learning AI, and multi-cleaning features, Orbit is a desk buddy that helps the user to minimize distractions and optimize work mode. Orbit is created to learn from your habits, reminding you of your schedule and to take breaks.

Interact with Orbit by touching its head and encourage your friends by drawing in the app to send to their robot.


Design tools used:

  • Mind-mapping

  • Journey Map

  • Survey

  • User Interview

  • Digital Prototype (app)

Market Research

From our research on existing desktop cleaners and companion robots, we analyzed and found areas of opportunities we can expand on.

Persona Profile

Hardcore robot fanatic

Anne is working in a bank as a senior financial consultant. She likes reading the latest news on technology.

Working at home, she gets easily distracted and her space is becoming increasingly messy.

29 years old

  • Diligent

  • Disorderly

  • Decisive

User Survey

To understand users’ desk situations and the features they would like in a desk companion.

We discovered users' pain points while cleaning their desk.



I did a brainstorm on what companionship meant and generated ideas from there.

Potential Concepts (by me)

We then narrowed down our combined 30 ideas to 5 concepts. We did a survey to find out which of the top 5 forms the target users’ liked most. Based on their feedback, we did iterations and improved the design.

Final Design

Interactive feature when you press down Orbit's head

Pomodoro timer

Linked to a playlist the user chose, the song automatically plays after pomodoro timer is activated.

Drawing feature

Able to send ‘live’ drawings which will show the drawing drawn live on the robot screen.

A way of connection and conversation starter between friends.

What I did (more specifically)

I did the animation for the robot's expression as I felt that it was integral to show how Orbit's personality.

3D model in Rhino and rendering in Keyshot.

I did environment renders to show Orbit in realistic environments using Photoshop.

Reflection Journal

What I Learned

✏️Quality over Quantity at the initial stage

We had to come up with 30 different ideas for the form of the robot. It challenged me to do quick sketches and draw without thinking too much. This helped us to draw freely and creatively, and have more ideas to narrow down later.

🧠Mindmap - The easiest and fastest way to expand ideas

Personally, I found the use of mind mapping to be really useful to brainstorm ideas. I can even build on it after leaving it for some time. It helped me to see my thought process clearly too. After I have finished my mindmap, I connect similar ones and highlight ideas to work on.

What I Can Do Better in the Future

Expand on the interactive experience

If given more time, I would want to research more on engaging interaction between robots and users. The product will greatly stand out if it can provide unique or interesting interactions.


Could push the colour, material, finishing, elements (cut to the side) further to
make the simple form more interesting.

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