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Learning Made Easy and Fast

Timeline: June 2023

Project: Individual

Responsibilities: Research, Wireframing, Prototyping



Need to travel to a country where you don’t even know how to speak the most basic phrases in that language? With TravelKey, you can learn basic foreign languages quickly and easily to survive within days before your trip.


Pain Point: No time to learn

Travelers often face the problem of not knowing how to speak the basic language of the foreign country they will be going to.


Defining the problem:

How can I provide an easy and fast way for travelers to learn basic phrases of a language in a short amount of time?


✅ Feel well-prepared.

Effectively learn basic phrases and know the important contacts of the foreign country days before the travel.


✅ Quick and easy.

The app provides the essential phrases and audio for how to pronounce them.


5min Everyday (Spaced Repetition Learning)

Research has shown that people learn better when they space learning out rather than cramming it in.

Using Voice

Compared to reading or thinking silently, saying out loud what you want to remember is proven more effective.


Design tools used:


  • Persona Profile

  • Journey Map

  • Wireframing

  • Digital Prototype


Through online research, I found out the effective ways to learn a language fast, as well as the methods existing language apps use.

From my personal experience using a language learning app, Duolingo, I know how effective spaced repetition system is.

Target Audience

Busy office worker

Rachel planned a vacation trip with her family. Busy and tired after work, she has no knowledge of the foreign language at all and does not know where to start learning.


Wants: To know at least the basic phrases of the country she is going to, so as to immerse in the culture.

Journey Map

UX App Flow & Wireframe Sketches

Establishing App requirements and Assumptions

requirements and assumptions

Mid-fidelity Prototype (Figma)

Mid-fidelity prototype

Final Design

Overall, I created a simple and easy-to-follow interface using minimal colors.

To provide a quick and easy experience for users to quickly review phrases they have learnt or to learn new phrases. Flashcards can also be a familiar tool they use when studying.


I have chosen orange as the app’s primary color as it is associated with confidence and optimism. I want the users to feel positive learning new phrases from a foreign language.

Flashcard interaction gif

Following the main flashcard element on the home page, I created these practice cards with a drop shadow. I have also applied this effect to the buttons so that it is obvious to users that they can click on them.


Designing for higher accessibility: There is a contrast between chosen and disabled buttons (chosen=orange, disabled=grey).

In Library, users can add other common phrases they like to their practice. As the number of users increases, more phrases can be added based on analysis and feedback.

Reflection Journal

What I Learned

🤔To think in the user’s perspective for possible scenarios

Even though this app is for people with completely no knowledge about the language, I have included the ‘skip’ feature in case the user already knows the phrase (heard the phrase before). A new phrase will be added to the practice lesson they are on after they skip.

💨Better efficiency in Figma

This is my first time using Figma to do an app prototype. It has many functions and shortcuts similar to Adobe XD (which I have more experience in).

What I Can Do Better in the Future

Do user testing and get user feedback

Since this was a quick design challenge that took 3 days, I did not have the time to do user testing.

Develop the idea to make it more useful and informative

An additional idea I had: add flashcards with a picture of the local food and a brief description of the dish.

Visual Design

I would work on the typography, icons, and style more if I had more time.

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